They same had been said about the Dart amp or any other SS amp. It you are not willing to hook up the ASR to the right wire/components then stay away from it. But if you have the time and find a used unit you can steal one from a owner who is wanting to try the latest/greatest amp.
A cool and detached presentation is not what I or 6 other owners are hearing. 5 of the owners have tubed Dac's, 3 AMR/2 Lampizator and one SS. The 7th one I have no info on his source. Three of us run Zu Def speakers with the Emitter 1.
Read the PF review of the Emitter when the reviewer found the right hook up wire for the ASR and what he said about it.
There are some who have heard Zu speakers that have said they were left with a HF sound. You and I know different when hooked up to the right gear.
I hear Dad running around the corner with his SET thoughts LOL. Yes they do sound good on Zu speakers. Will wait for your thoughts on amp selection with anticipation.
You are not going to use the stock Footers for your new Def4 are you?
The Purepower is not a PC and doesn't limit dynamics.
They same had been said about the Dart amp or any other SS amp. It you are not willing to hook up the ASR to the right wire/components then stay away from it. But if you have the time and find a used unit you can steal one from a owner who is wanting to try the latest/greatest amp.
A cool and detached presentation is not what I or 6 other owners are hearing. 5 of the owners have tubed Dac's, 3 AMR/2 Lampizator and one SS. The 7th one I have no info on his source. Three of us run Zu Def speakers with the Emitter 1.
Read the PF review of the Emitter when the reviewer found the right hook up wire for the ASR and what he said about it.
There are some who have heard Zu speakers that have said they were left with a HF sound. You and I know different when hooked up to the right gear.
I hear Dad running around the corner with his SET thoughts LOL. Yes they do sound good on Zu speakers. Will wait for your thoughts on amp selection with anticipation.
You are not going to use the stock Footers for your new Def4 are you?
The Purepower is not a PC and doesn't limit dynamics.