Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
I will be honest--if it took $$$$ of K/S cables to make the ASR sound really exceptional, I have some issues with the entire premise.

I will be more than happy to try an ASR if someone can arrange a SoCal dealer drop one off in my home for a week (I have a call into the distributor). In fact, we could easily arrange a shoot out with Quads and Black Shadows for all to hear.
Validation from a reviewer is at the end of the day just another person`s opinion. You can find 'rave' reviews on any number of amplifiers(including my Coincident, just anothrer point of view). If the ASR is the best you`ve owned thus far that`s wonderful for you(and agear). The simple fact is not everyone will find the ASR compelling or particularly special(this is true of 'any'component.The short comings phil mention are relevant flaws to him and those who share the same priorities.I don`t find it hard to except that other amps do certain things in a superior fashion.

Bottom line the amplifier is a home run for you,enjoy it.If won`t please everyone so why worry about convincing others who have different sonic values? Do you feel only those who hear as you do are right and everyone else is wrong?

Agear, why stoop to snide comments about phil`s room/system and ancillary equitment? His system 'may' equal or perhaps better your own,how would you possibly know?
That`s a great plan! I`d love the opprotunity to hear what these various amplifiers have to offer.I hope you can pull this off.This would be a lot of fun.
Keithr, you posted 2nd post just prior to mine. Darn it! the was a excellent idea you had.