"In my yearly or every other year call with my cell phone company where I "negotiate" my rate, I tell them at the start of the call, this is my offer based on competition and their public offerings."
I tried to haggle last Feb with my car insurance renewal. Unfortunately, the guy on the other end wouldn’t budge and I hadn’t done the research to check whether the other quotes were like for like eg excess, courtesy car, breakdown cover etc.
It’s definitely a skill worth having, but you’ve got to also put the preliminary work in and tone down any sentiment.
One of my colleagues is particularly good at the business of haggling. She claims she saves hundreds of pounds with all of her various renewals.
Although she’s reasonably polite and friendly on the surface, if pushed she can also get pretty ferocious.
Me, I would start to worry whether the person on the other end of the phone, usually some kid, is having a good day or not. It takes a lot to get me mad, but unfortunately when I do, it also can take a lot to get me calmed down again.
The life and times of a passive-aggressive control freak audio enthusiast?
Well, as they say, life is a lesson. And there’s always the music.
"In my yearly or every other year call with my cell phone company where I "negotiate" my rate, I tell them at the start of the call, this is my offer based on competition and their public offerings."
I tried to haggle last Feb with my car insurance renewal. Unfortunately, the guy on the other end wouldn’t budge and I hadn’t done the research to check whether the other quotes were like for like eg excess, courtesy car, breakdown cover etc.
It’s definitely a skill worth having, but you’ve got to also put the preliminary work in and tone down any sentiment.
One of my colleagues is particularly good at the business of haggling. She claims she saves hundreds of pounds with all of her various renewals.
Although she’s reasonably polite and friendly on the surface, if pushed she can also get pretty ferocious.
Me, I would start to worry whether the person on the other end of the phone, usually some kid, is having a good day or not. It takes a lot to get me mad, but unfortunately when I do, it also can take a lot to get me calmed down again.
The life and times of a passive-aggressive control freak audio enthusiast?
Well, as they say, life is a lesson. And there’s always the music.