Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
So Phil, I know you have some familiarity with my Hovland HP200 tube pre and Radia 125W/ch pow amps. They've served me well with my Def2s, and softness in sound occasionally perceived I've come to the conclusion is more to do with the 2s' tweeter reticence.
So with the Def4s more complete Radian tweeter and better performing FRDs, do you believe this softness will recede, to be replaced by a more dynamic sound thru higher frequencies and in fact do you still believe there will be good synergy between the 4s and my Hovlands?
I know you have very opinionated views on amp choice and really value your input.
Btw, I hear my Def4s are almost ready at the Zu factory...
Although I have not tried a 45 or 2a3 with the Zu Def 4s, I did try both with my Zu Def 2s and agree with Phil. I eventually found them restrictive and too much of a compromise.
Hi Gsm18439,
Moving from those amps to a 300b made that much of a diference in driving your Zu Defs?
I really prefer the 40 watts I have now on my Quads than any other smaller watt amps I have tried. YMMV (strongly, due to room size etc)

Also, fwiw, Quad II Classics at 15w sounded demonstrably stronger than 25 watt 845s.
I realized quite a while ago that it`s hard to predict what combination of components will sound best to a particular listener.Your Def IV(on paper anyway) is 6 db more sensitive than my Coincident speaker and should mate even better to the lower watt amplifiers. I have a 100 watt (60 watt in triode) and a 40 watt amp(20 watt in triode) both are push-pull circuits.In my system both are bettered by an 8 watt SET.there`s no substitute for hearing amps in your own system. you are right in that YMMV 'strongly'.