beppep OP
We found your your Belcanto Ref 600M mono’s (that use Hypex NC500 modules and buffer) had a good sound "for Class-D" when they drove a two way speaker that had a Rahl ribbon with very benign 6ohm load and the mid/bass was also a benign load.
Your lucky in that your Harbeth 40.1 are similar, in that they have an impedance load line nearly always above 6ohm, and a -phase angle that is very low, the only time -phase is high is at 55hz but then the impedance is nice and high at that frequency also, so it nulls it out. These speakers are kind to Class-D, if you change speakers look for similar loading.
As to your preamp question I don't use one, I have a pair of the Hypex NC500's here also but driven direct from the dac to their balanced input stages with no buffer before it, and they also have a huge Linear power supply instead of SMP like the 600m have, they do sound good in my second system that uses speakers again with very benign loading.
Cheers George