It seems you feel your taste/opinion have more validity than those who don`t agree with you. Plain fact is you should simply buy what you feel is best and not extrapolate beyond your own system experiences. No one got caught with their pants down(sigh).You prefer the ASR and that`s good(for you and others who also prefer it).I don`t know you personaaly but based on reading your posts you come off as dogmatic and somewhat childish, as if what you prefer 'has' to be better than someone else`s choice,Come on my friend grow up.Spiritformusic nailed it with his earlier post.
It seems you feel your taste/opinion have more validity than those who don`t agree with you. Plain fact is you should simply buy what you feel is best and not extrapolate beyond your own system experiences. No one got caught with their pants down(sigh).You prefer the ASR and that`s good(for you and others who also prefer it).I don`t know you personaaly but based on reading your posts you come off as dogmatic and somewhat childish, as if what you prefer 'has' to be better than someone else`s choice,Come on my friend grow up.Spiritformusic nailed it with his earlier post.