Cleeds, I was not cleaning new Analog Productions albums, I was treating them with what amounts to be very cheap "Last" I know for a fact there is nothing in Last other than the solvent. Some people swear it works. So in giving them credit I am testing out a pet theory. As you know PVC compound is 0.2 or 0.3 % plasticizer. It softens the PVC making it easier to press. Removing the plasticizer conversely hardens the PVC improving it's wear characteristics. You might also take a leap and hypothesize that PVC that is not so mushy sounds better. I'm not going to spend 50 bucks on a little bottle of chlorofluorocarbon solvent to run an experiment. Certain brands of Brake Cleaning fluid are nothing but CFC solvent. I keep a case of the stuff around for cleaning bike parts and stuff. So, I sprayed both sides of five records, let them dry and put them right away. Observation #1 is that this did absolutely no immediate harm to the records. They all sound just the same. And boy do they sparkle. In a year or two I will compare them to other Analog Productions records I have that I do not play near as much, see if there is any difference in wear.
Daveyf, for 20 bucks you can buy one and try it. It won't be near the most expensive mistake you'll ever make. Of course, if your records are already a mess you might as well take them out back and power wash them.
Daveyf, for 20 bucks you can buy one and try it. It won't be near the most expensive mistake you'll ever make. Of course, if your records are already a mess you might as well take them out back and power wash them.