Do you, or did you, have Audiophile buddies that you shared music, gear, times with?

In my lifetime, from the military, to business, to racing, vacations and more, sharing all with a close friend was part of the magic of those times.
Have you had someone close to you that made or makes your audiophile experience(s) even better?  My primary audiophile friend has passed, but I enjoyed so many great musical times with him.  From Magnepans, to Martin Logan,  Dahlquist, Conrad Johnson, ARC and so many more....a major part of the joy, learning and more was the friend that I shared nearly all of it with.  The fact that we both liked sports cars, Bordeaux and modern architecture/furniture was also great, but the music/audio connection was, likely,  the best.  I think the holidays make me think of friends and family experiences and music has been much a part of those times. 

Have a good and safe holiday season. 

I have a friend and buddy who I share music and Hi Fi with and we even were each others best man at our weddings. I really can't picture life without him now as we are getting on a bit and I would hate to lose him. We see each other a couple of times a week to chat and listen to each others audio acquisitions. We both love classical music and he is the one with a conventional system and I now listen to headphones only as I don't want to upset the neighbours but I do have a superb setup myself.
Hi jim204, thanks for sharing.  Not to be cruel, but my friend, Chris, and I had the kind of relationship that some women think men don't have.  We could talk about anything.  We both lost our fathers much too early and took on family positions a bit before our time.  In both Father's deaths our Mothers needed us to the point that neither of us  really had the time to grieve our Father's passing. 

The actor Steve McQueen had told his son, Chad, after his son had  a hardship, Steve said "life ain't fair"....perhaps simplified, but rooted in truth. 

What a nice thread :-) mutual interests with a bunch of good friends is a fascinating Venn diagram. Bird dogs, music, guitars, shot guns, hunting, fishing ( and the many derivatives: Rod building, fly tying, aluminum boat building, tubes, fine red wine, long range elk guns in exotic calibers, cars ( not to be confused w race cars ), race cars, antique furniture, mid century ( eck!!!! ), bikes, FOOD, smoking meat, building and flying airplanes, hot rods, remote location recording, screenwriting and actually making movies, ....getting tired....
ya man deep and true friendships- Lord am I blessed....
thank you for reminding me !!!