Okay so we disagree on a lot of points, but your claim that you are only talking about really out there one-off cartridges is not supported by your posts. You started by questioning why someone would retip a Grace F9 when NOS is available. To many people a Grace F9, for no other reason than it’s moving magnet, is a cheap cartridge that no one should bother with. One who shares these views would not bother with that cartridge at all whether NOS or not.
Also the number of original F9 styli in the world is very limited. It just makes sense to keep them going if you can. The exact replacement diamond is still available from Ogura, so what’s the difference? An NOS stylus can be bad too. A retipper will check performance of the completed stylus. You can’t get that with a sealed NOS.
By the way, I press fit diamonds in and out of cantilevers. The glue is insurance. Other designs don’t allow for press fit, like boron or gemstone. Glue is used in the trade by the manufacturers. End of story
Anyway, I’ve said all I need to say. Those who think retipping is a good idea will agree and those who think retipping is madness will not be persuaded. Everyone enjoys their hobby in different ways.
The feedback I receive from happy customers is phenomenal and I feel great helping them to get the most out of what their idea of enjoying their hobby is. I’ve never been someone to race cartridges against each other and determine a winner. I think that’s an asset when I can find something to like about just about any cartridge.
I went from retipping the diamond cantilever on a Koetsu Coralstone Platinum Diamond with a Namiki Micro Ridge to retipping a Decca Deram with a .6 mil bonded conical set into a self-made enlarging sleeve as the very next assignment. Original Decca Deram styli are highly valued and the aftermarket ones are made out of the wrong kind of material to work well. No one else bothers with these cartridges or styli to my knowledge. The Deccas cantilever is just as odd and different and unique as the Koetsu’s. I enjoyed repairing both immensely. That’s what’s in it for me.
Also the number of original F9 styli in the world is very limited. It just makes sense to keep them going if you can. The exact replacement diamond is still available from Ogura, so what’s the difference? An NOS stylus can be bad too. A retipper will check performance of the completed stylus. You can’t get that with a sealed NOS.
By the way, I press fit diamonds in and out of cantilevers. The glue is insurance. Other designs don’t allow for press fit, like boron or gemstone. Glue is used in the trade by the manufacturers. End of story
Anyway, I’ve said all I need to say. Those who think retipping is a good idea will agree and those who think retipping is madness will not be persuaded. Everyone enjoys their hobby in different ways.
The feedback I receive from happy customers is phenomenal and I feel great helping them to get the most out of what their idea of enjoying their hobby is. I’ve never been someone to race cartridges against each other and determine a winner. I think that’s an asset when I can find something to like about just about any cartridge.
I went from retipping the diamond cantilever on a Koetsu Coralstone Platinum Diamond with a Namiki Micro Ridge to retipping a Decca Deram with a .6 mil bonded conical set into a self-made enlarging sleeve as the very next assignment. Original Decca Deram styli are highly valued and the aftermarket ones are made out of the wrong kind of material to work well. No one else bothers with these cartridges or styli to my knowledge. The Deccas cantilever is just as odd and different and unique as the Koetsu’s. I enjoyed repairing both immensely. That’s what’s in it for me.