The question is do you hear SQ improvement on other types of cables after break in? If you do, then of course AC cords also need break in. If you don’t, my next question is do you hear SQ improvement after components break in?
My personal experience with AC cords is thick cables need more time than thin cables. And if you move them around, same rule apply with lesser time.
But I know some do not hear any difference. First you need to be very familiar with the sound of your system. 2nd is analyzing SQ changes is nothing like listening to music. It does take time to learn what to listen to.
But again, I know non believers will not hear anything different still.
My personal experience with AC cords is thick cables need more time than thin cables. And if you move them around, same rule apply with lesser time.
But I know some do not hear any difference. First you need to be very familiar with the sound of your system. 2nd is analyzing SQ changes is nothing like listening to music. It does take time to learn what to listen to.
But again, I know non believers will not hear anything different still.