Ascend Sierra 1 vs Triangle Borea BR08

I decided to upgrade my current bookshelf speakers (Infinity R162s). I've settled on 2 options based on some reviews: 

  • Ascend Sierra 1 (on sale for 680/ pair) 
  • Triangle Borea BR08 (on sale for 800/ pair) 
I'm newer to audio stuff, but I felt it was a good time to upgrade. My current system and listening area: 

  • Denon AVR-X2600H (95WPC) 
  • HSU VTF2 MK5 
  • Fluance RT-85 (Nagaoka MP150) 
  • Art DJ Pre II (12V power supply upgrade) 
  • 24'x15' living/dining area with 9' ceilings
  • Not treated and can't be because WAF
  • Opening to kitchen and staircase 
  • Listening Position about 7-8 feet from speakers currently
Originally I thought the Triangle might fill the space better and I like that is 3-way. That said I've heard some middling reviews about response.

Sierra 1s are at a great price, and I would assume better quality. What I'm concerned about is achieving adequate volume in the space.

I value accuracy above volume, but I don't want it to sound anemic in space. I will probably end up just trying both and judging for myself, but curious as to your opinions. 

Thanks! This is my first post here. 
Got both pairs of speakers yesterday and hooked them up this morning. I'm no veteran, but my impressions so far: 

  • Sierra 1 - these are on a different level to what I've heard before. There is detail, clarity and an openness that is incredibly exciting. Instruments are very well defined and separated. I don't find these warm or bright, but just very easy to listen to. I ended up with a full toe-in with these. They are about 7 feet apart and 7 feet from me. 
  • Borea BR08 - these guys are bigger than I expected. Solid build, even if basic. They are more sensitive than the Sierras and create more of a "wall of sound" in my room. However, the sound quality seems more similar to my Infinity R162s, just bigger and more defined. 
I'll take more time with these, but I'm leaning towards the Sierra. The Triangles make for a more rocking speaker, but the Sierra seems to just be on a different level.
Your impression of the Sierra 1s being easy to listen to reminded me of why I enjoyed this speaker so much. When I had them I remember listening for hours without any listener fatigue. They were constantly playing in the background on the weekends or in the evening. I’d be curious to see where you land on your decision after some extended listening sessions between the two. Seems like there’s a lot of value from those Triangles - especially for the price.
I did some more testing last night and I’ve settled on the Sierras. Don’t get me wrong, the Triangles have a lot going on, but they just don’t have the clarity and detail the Sierras do. This was a case of quality vs quantity. Ultimately, I made the choice based on which I’d miss most. 

Edit: the Sierras can also be upgraded to their 2-EX model (RAAL ribbon tweeter, new crossover, and new woofer) with a kit they provide. Both use the same bamboo cabinet. That won't be for awhile, but the ability to jump up to another level is a nice plus to the Ascends.
The rational of quality over quantity combined with choosing based on which you’d miss most is sound. I think if we all followed this thought process we’d all make better decisions in this hobby.

Sierra’s with its upgrade options are hard to ignore. I can’t see this happening, but if you decide to sell them in the future, let me know, coolhand!!!