Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Glory, sorry if I've misinterpreted your comments, it seemed to be a question with your pre decided conclusion in the same paragraph. I'm sure we'd all agree on a lot.
I'm really hoping the UK review will be positive, the reviewer certainly likes Def2s.
It's so hard to get people to consider spkrs outside the mainstream (ProAc, B&W, Tannoy etc.) that if my contribution to a positive result for Zu entails, I'll be v. glad.
Sean and the ZuCrew are some of audio's good guys.
Btw, over in the Great Britain, we just are so proud of what TeamGB have achieved. Thanks for your kind words!

From the tech side of things yes but from a system building side a no.

Building a system takes time and $$$ and not having a 1960's mind set.

I had been deliberately quiet with my impressions, but now that my old speakers are sold I'll say the Def 2s with the old drivers (pre 2010 HO) are phenomenal! Ditching my Von Schweikerts and coming back to team Zu is one of the best things I've done in this hobby. There isn't a single area I don't prefer the Zu's performance in and in most areas I prefer it by a significant margin.

I talked to Gerrit last week and he expects my nanotech drivers to ship on or around the 24th. I also plan on finalizing my order with Hugh, who just joined this thread, for a Melody AN211 to drive these beasts. After that I plan to lay low for a while and get a handle on what I'm hearing.

I'm pretty sure when the dust settles most (if not all) of my rig will be in "complete" mode and the nervosa urges will subside.