Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"


There was a merchant ship anchored in port that was not allowed to unload it's cargo during the black plague. The merchants kept complaining about loss of business until they finally unloaded the ship, killing the people of the city in the next few weeks. 

History does rhyme. Real world economics? Nice try.

All the best,
Also, that priorities spread that cd links to gives one the false impression that the virus only hits the aged, which is a lie that’s been dispelled quite some time ago. Here’s something much more representative of the actual spread of the virus in England as of July:

Tells quite a different story, wouldn’t one say?

All the best,
The dead are such zealous consumers no wonder the y call Economics the dismal science.

I suspect the dead will view a lockdown as freedom....

You need to distinguish between infections and death rates. There is quite a difference. Billions catch colds each year, but billions don’t die from it, do they?

Billions do die from old age, cancer, heart disease and diabetes and starvation, but they aren’t so easy to use as political weapons are they?

And what’s the point of mentioning the plague? Do you think this is on the same scale? Really?

As I said the average age of Covid death is 82.4. Is it not clear that Covid is not the sole killer in these unfortunate cases?

Various co-morbidities brought on by age and declining health are the main contributing factors - not Covid 19.

Besides, testing and recording death rates are far from accurate. Remember when Elon Musk tested positive and negative 4 times in just one day.

Not saying Covid should be ignored but distancing and hygiene should be just as effective as the economic disaster of the lockdowns. The economic disaster that will affect billions worldwide and not just 0.01% of the population.

Billions who may not have the economic comfort and safety net that you might enjoy.