Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.
It's one less thing to worry about for multi market and makes for easier MFG. Only need really design for 2 or 3 voltages but way more cord ends.
dill1,366 posts12-11-2020 10:22pm" So they can make one model for all markets."

- No, don't buy it. Different voltages in different countries can't be remedied by power cords only.

Not sure who you think you are fooling with this? It’s obvious you don’t have a physics or eng background. If you did you would calculate and clearly communicate , with some hard numbers what your claimed dielectric impacts would be on a power cord supplied by a source (AC line) with a source impedance at audio frequencies of about 0.5 ohm.

You won’t do that though as that would take the exact knowledge you claim others don’t have.

rodman999994,822 posts12-12-2020 12:14am@audio2design- I’m absolutely certain (experientially); you’re absolutely wrong. Yours is simply another uninformed, Naysayer Doctrine adherent’s assumption. Now: deny the possibilities, offered by the facts presented.

I dont know why do audiophiles claim to be in search of high fidelity when it is obvious they aren't?
Burn in is necessary.  Do not judge the cable after 5 hours.  Wait 200 hours and decide.  You will find that it will fluctuate and the bass will settle last.  I found burn in required for every new component.  In addition cables needs settling in. If I remove my cables and re connect after a few hours I need to wait at least 24 hours 
This is purely my own experience and it may drastically differ from yours. In my experience power cables do have a burn-in period, it is real, it lasts several hundreds of hours, sometimes much less, but they don’t change dramatically, the changes in fact are very small (apart from a mandatory short period of a temporary "lost bass" with some cables, why on earth does it happen, I have no idea, but it almost always does. Saying that, with some cables/systems I can hear no changes at all). The sound signature is here from the start, and the new cable should sound great from the word go, just give it half an hour to settle. If it does not, then don’t waste your time hoping for a miracle and trying to convince yourself that it is getting better. P.e. if you think that the voices are thin, there is not enough body, or there is too much bass, or sibilance etc. etc. no burn-in will change it. You may somehow adjust to it and start believing that it is better now, but you won’t fool yourself for more than a very brief period, eventually it will leave you disappointed. You need to bear in mind 4 factors that can affect the sound during the burn-in: 1. The physical changes in the cable that do affect the sound (don’t ask) 2. Power line/supply quality fluctuations that may make your system sound better/worse 3. Cold/warm condition of your gear 4.Your own condition and your hearing/adjusting to the new sound: first the differences pop up, you hear something new and concentrate on these new details and accents, then it blends with the whole pic and you can’t recognise it as easily if at all, and after a while the new balance/signature starts revealing itself with different kinds of recordings and you realise that yes there is a difference that matters. At this stage you put the old cable back and immediately recognise the old familiar sound signature that was gone with the new one. That’s how it almost always works with me. YMMV.