Any Ohm Walsh owners using tube amp?

Happy owner of upgraded Walsh 2-100S3s. Sound good in my living room with less than ideal listening setup running off upgraded McIntosh MC250. However, after borrowing a friend's tube preamp I have realized I can get more out of them. I am thinking in terms of a tube integrated to get a full tube experience vs just a preamp.  Had heard a Conrad Johnson 45S2 unit a few years ago in Memphis that was wonderful to my ears but only 45 wrms. Curious if any fellow Walsh owner are or have run tubes and your experience. Looking at more modern units like Rogue CM, Raven, CJ, BAT. Open to suggestions too?
You certainly can use a tube amp. Those I am aware of that have seem to then lean towards adding a sub. They are not explicitly designed for tube amps but not to say it might not work well in some cases.

I have the the exact same model. Personally I and others have found Class D amps to be the best match to get the most out of the Walsh speakers. A tube preamp is a very good option if you have a Class D amp that matches well to higher output impedance of most tube preamps.

i have used zero feedback SS amps with mine and did not care for it. Sound was warmer but muddy and not well defined especially in the bass. Muddy bass tends to also obscure midrange detail. Dynamics were also compressed. Have never tried a tube amp personally. Couldn’t be happier with Class D for those Ohms.

try 4 or 6 ohm output taps on that amp rather than 8 if available. Does that make a difference?
Hello Mapman, Thank you for your feedback. I have read your comments on Ohms for years and they in part were why I upgraded from C2s to the Walshs, which were a great move. So much appreciated.  Mine are original cabs which John upgraded to the S3 version before shipping to me almost 10 years ago. I have always enjoyed them even though I had the nagging feeling that they could be more. I spoke to John a few years ago about the 2000 upgrade but the cost of shipping was a killer and I didnt feel adept enough to do it myself. Had to retire soon after and so different economics. I have run the units with variously a Mac MA5100, MC250, ATI 1502, SAE 2200. They definitely responded better to more power but I liked the Mac sound especially the MC250 the best, a little warm and I guess tube like. Worked best for my room and the music I listen to.  I had looked at Class D before and listened to a few versions from Rogue and some others about 5 years ago but was not taken. However, I assume the technology has come a long way since then. I keep reading that anyway. We are store-less out here so anything is a risk new or used. Just happened to luck out, finally, on a long ago investment that suddenly took off in this crazy economy. Wife initially said just buy a new system (your "final" so to speak) but with other needs (16 yr old Honda, new flooring) I figure I am more in the realm of $5k max and preferably around $3k. I think I should be able to do ok with that. Been leaning to an integrated just because space is at a premium. I will do some more research on the tube pre with D amp option. Thanks. ALoha. 
You could try adding a powered sub using something like a mini DSP to take things to the next level. That would open up many options for the main amps if still needed.