Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......

I love Audion preamps and have one in my 2nd system. An Audion would be a great and synergistic match for Def4. But the DACs I am evaluating in advance of building a server to rip my CD library to have the option of balanced outputs from which they sound better, conclusively. In a couple of cases the bal outs are separately voiced. The Melody has Audion attributes with one set of balanced inputs. Now, those inputs are not true balanced, but using them as-is still sounds better than using a bal>rca adapter to the single-ended inputs.

A more minor advantage is that presently Audion has no preamps with remote volume control; the Melody has a very good one. My Audion preamp is a 1st gen with full IR remote including for input switching.

There's no sonic reason not to pair an Audion preamp with Def4; on the contrary there's every reason to do so, my situation excepted.

Phil was right again. I got some new power tubes (Shuguang 211-B very limited edition) for my 211 SET and things are sounding fantastic without any real burn in time on them.

These nanotech drivers really leverage the difference between digital and analog as well. My Kuzma is kicking some Metrum Octave tail tonight!
So Gopher, and Phil, what's going on with such a dramatic change going from so-so sound to ground breaking with a change of tubes?
The main reason I ask is that my Def4s are finally being installed in a couple of weeks, and my pre (Hovland HP-200) is tube. I'm running them with 1950s NOS Telefunkens.
I'd hate to have to investigate new amp combinations at this time, and I'm not the best person to tube roll.
Btw, LOVE these tubes, they sure are fast, but not too clinical, in my current system.

The balance and presentation of the Def 2 and Def 4 drivers are night and day. The Def 2 is darker, less resolved (and less exposing) richer (I think so) and far more laid back. The Def 4 on the other hand is open, extremely revealing, super transparant and a lot more lively.

The stock 211 tubes I had were harsh, unsophisticated and had a good bit of glare to them. Changing them for the 211Bs the horrible glare (which the Def 4 drivers ruthlessly laid bare) and adding dimensionality, beauty, body and tone made a HUGE difference.

Phil will probably speak for himself, but he told me he had a similar experience with 845A vs. 845B tubes in going from Def 1.5s to 2s to 4s.

I have some GE 211s which are supposed to arrive tomorrow, will be interesting comparing them, though I'll likely have to change my driver tubes.
Thanks Gopher. I found the stock tubes in my Hovland pre were always a bit plain and undynamic with the Def2s. This was remedied by going the NOS Telefunken route, opening up transparency, sparkle, speed and dynamics, but not sacrificing analog warmth.
It looks like they'll be an ideal match for the Def4s.
Additionally, my new direct rim drive tt/air bearing linear arm is showing my cd player a clean pair of heels. From your comment, this gap may be widened still further.