lp2cd - zenproaudio.com - interesting site.
Thanks to all for your on going thoughts on this subject. A great read!
Thanks to all for your on going thoughts on this subject. A great read!
I Was Considering Active, Then I Watched This ...
lp2cd - zenproaudio.com - interesting site. Thanks to all for your on going thoughts on this subject. A great read! |
djones51 - That would great, please keep me posted. Are you aware that Buchardt has software available that can change the configuration (and sound) of their active speakers. It's called "Mastertunings" Basically plug & Play. Here’s the link: A500 Mastertunings — Buchardt Audio I also know you are a big proponent of actives, anything else up your sleeve? |
That links the A500 the A700 are different you can't interchange them. I've been researching them and the Genelec 8351b. The Buchardt are more consumer friendly which might influence some people, it doesn't really matter to me I'm looking for the best sounding and easiest to integrate within a certain price range. Genelec has their own room correction with the GLM add on. If I had unlimited funds and a larger room I'd look at the Kii3 with BXT. |