McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
Sadly this works in every component except McIntosh integrated amps. The only one that will work in a Mac integrated is the Synergistic Orange Fuse. Kidding. Its just funny people think the component matters. Like asking if Pirelli will work on my Honda Civic. No, works on every car except the Civic.
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All a fuse does is protect against excess current draw. It is NOT part of the music signal. NO affect upon sound quality! Millercarbon - stop shilling for Synergistic Research and their questionable products!
1. Sadly this works in every component except McIntosh integrated amps.


2. It is NOT part of the music signal. NO affect upon sound quality!


3. Funny as in you make me laff.


Shirley, you jest? Answer. No, and don’t call me Shirley..
One of the great "One liners" I'm hoping # 2 was kidding too, if not, hopefully things will change. :-)

Here is the bottom line for me. I tried all three from, SR, all three changed the sound. I liked the orange and the blue in my hot rodded C20. MX110z, C11, MC240s and 1961 MC275, ALL sounded different, all sounded better, with the orange and blue fuse. My old Acmes were as good as or better than the SR black.

Don’t wipe off the goo!, handle with GREAT care.
REALLY GREAT CARE... I found tweezers are better for the install, plane and simple..

The Blue worked best in a C2500.

NO KIDDING a busman worked the same on the inside of a MX120, they have 2 or three. BUT the main, again the Blue was the better of the bunch.

All were left in for a week at least.
