Phoenix Engineering - Falcon - stopped working

This is a day I've been dreading ever since PE shut it's doors. I've been enjoying the device with my HW-19 ever since PE started offering them to the public several years ago.

It happened yesterday after I put the Falcon in stand-by mode to flip a record I was playing. It didn't turn back on like normal, no lights, no nothin'. I then reset it to factory defaults and it responded to that. Lights turned on and all the switches were responding like normal. I was only relieved for a few seconds when I realized the motor wasn't spinning.

I have verified the motor works on it's own, so I can rule that out.

Is there anything inside the Falcon that would burn out and cause this issue?

The Rouadrunner unit is showing me that the motor, by itself, spins at lowly I'm lowly now.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

C'est la vie indeed.  And yeah, I gathered that he might have understood the issue wasn't with the sensor/magnet.  In fact, the Roadrunner works all by itself without the need to be connected to the Falcon or Eagle.  It revealed just how off-speed my motor is.

How do folks adjust speed when not using this type of motor speed adjustment?  Belt tension?
Magnets have poles...*sound of forehead slapping*

I'm using a VPI HW-19 with a SAMA.  Not much, if any, room to adjust tension.