Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Phil or anyone else,

Is it a big deal if I put the drivers in the wrong place with my Nanotechs?

I installed a matched pair in each speaker rather than matching the top and bottom drivers. I didn't realize this was wrong until I read the instructions that are on the upgrade kit section of the webpage (instructions didn't come with drivers).

Should I bother pulling two out and swapping them or is it no biggie?
I'd swap 'em. More important to have left and right matched instead of top and bottom
Alright... I swapped 'em.

The amp is warming up now... I guess I'll see how things sound when my son conks off to bed and I can turn on some tunes.
Well, I made the change and I think I perceive a difference. Seems like the stage is a bit wider and more open with images being a little better defined... maybe I'm imagining it, but I feel like I'm usually a little more emotionally stirred.
Gopher, thanks for the info on how the upgraded drivers were to be placed (I did not have instructions when I did it several weeks ago - I put a matched pair in each speaker). Just made the change tonight and it definitely better defines the images in my Omen Defs. I don't notice any other changes, but it was a worthwhile 15 minutes.