The finer expression of all the range of emotions (Puccini) is not the same that the pure elevation of heart to the spirit with voice that sings but speaks no more (Mozart Cosi)...
But i will give you that the seven last words on the cross of Haydn is on par with any Bach.... Only that is a testimony for this giant.....
But i must confess that no one beat Bach for me..... 😊
All composers act or react with or against Bach with all the degree of freedom between the 2 positions.....
My favorite opponent to Bach is Scriabin ( 2 minutes of Scriabin may transcend anything else sometimes)......My favorite disciple of Bach is Bruckner....The 5 th symphony is the art of symphony.... The final fugue is the most beautiful and deep works ever written after Bach.... All other symphonies of other composers seems like gentle toys.... 😉 Beautiful poems sometimes compared to Bruckner like the 6th or 7th of Beethoven the greatest composer in symphony after Bruckner(before him by date of birth), or for example Mahler....
But the 5th of Bruckner and over are so great that they crush the business of symphony making after them....After him the symphonies of all other composers are more like some cinema, they can be masterful, but yet always less spiritual and more mundane and yet sure may be very moving.... But emotions only are not spirit....
But i will give you that the seven last words on the cross of Haydn is on par with any Bach.... Only that is a testimony for this giant.....
But i must confess that no one beat Bach for me..... 😊
All composers act or react with or against Bach with all the degree of freedom between the 2 positions.....
My favorite opponent to Bach is Scriabin ( 2 minutes of Scriabin may transcend anything else sometimes)......My favorite disciple of Bach is Bruckner....The 5 th symphony is the art of symphony.... The final fugue is the most beautiful and deep works ever written after Bach.... All other symphonies of other composers seems like gentle toys.... 😉 Beautiful poems sometimes compared to Bruckner like the 6th or 7th of Beethoven the greatest composer in symphony after Bruckner(before him by date of birth), or for example Mahler....
But the 5th of Bruckner and over are so great that they crush the business of symphony making after them....After him the symphonies of all other composers are more like some cinema, they can be masterful, but yet always less spiritual and more mundane and yet sure may be very moving.... But emotions only are not spirit....