Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
So Phil, you set low pass filter at 38, me at 40. Where do you set volume (me at 5), and are you getting any change with both PEQ and phase settings (I'm not)?
The 4s are so revealing that I think I'm hearing my SS power amp fingerprint in the sound and am very tempted to go all tube.
I'm very aware of your preference for the Audion Black Shadow, but my UK Zu dealer also installs Atma-Sphere, and advises keeping my Hovland HP200 tube pre, and partnering it with the Atma S-30 OTL amp or even the Novachron triode OTL amp.
I have to say if choice was down to art deco looks to die for in an amp, I'd snap up the Novachron in an instant! Very little discussion of this unit on the web since it's only been reintroduced recently, but your forthright opinions on the Novachron and S-30 would be much appreciated.
That would be incredible, Phil! Hopefully by the time that comes together I'll be out of my condo and in a larger home with a semi-designated listening space, but either way I suspect the knowledge I'd acquire would be very valuable.

Thanks for that generous offer.

You can do better then Atmasphere IMO. I mated it to my Superflys which were a more favorable 16ohm, and despite wonderful transparency and great bass they were pretty lean and analytical.

Follow Phil's suggestions and go big big bottle SET. There are great options on the used market that will be much better then the atma.
I've never yet heard a tube amp to sound lean and analytical, BAT gear esp. always strikes me as too lush and warm.
At this point in my audio quest I have struck a good synergy between Hovland tube/SS and the Def4s, and so have to make a decision to investigate OTL Atma Sphere/Dave Berning, SET Audion, Tom Evans Mastergroove upgraded phono stage or Soundsmith Straingauge cart, or working on system wide improvements (supports/cabling/power). At present can't afford all three.
I differed with Gopher on the Atmas with Soul Superflys. I thought they were a great combo. But I was coming from the SS First Watt world, and wanted to retain some of the First Watt qualities while getting the benefits of a tube sound as well. Gopher went to the big ole 845 tubes, IIRC. So personal prefs will come into play here.

If possible, I'd try to compare the big bottle SET tubes with an OTL design.