After looking at your photos they appear to show the filters mounted on the suction side of the pump Bayite . If this is correct - If I might offer a suggestion - install the filter(s) at the pump discharge side. The filters will present a pressure drop and the pump suction side only has about 7-ft of suction head. Check the filter cartridge max differential pressure rating - most will be >15 psid (>35-ft head equivalent) so to get maximum use, fine filters are generally installed at the pump discharge - and your pump has an maximum discharge head of 80 psi.
Since you are pumping relative clean water (no stones & pebbles) you do not need a suction strainer. If you do replumb, since you do not have a differential pressure gauge on the filter or pump - keep an eye on the filter and pump noise and the power supply temp, As the filter loads and water flow pressure drop increases - the pump discharge head (being a positive displacement pump) will increase to maintain flow until it reaches its maximum. But its maximum (80 psid) can collapse most disposable filters. But as the pump discharge increases so will its noise and the 120VAC/12VDC power supply will heat up because the pump is drawing more current.
Just some thoughts for you.