The problem with Magicos

Magicos are very expensive, solidly built and heavy however there is one problem which the speaker engineers didnt think of when it came to designing the speakers. The woofers in a Magico generate sound from both the front and the back. The problem is that the sound from the back is obviously contained inside that big solid enclosure and after it has reflected around the box, it becomes NOISE. So now you have generated NOISE inside the box which has to be dealt with. The only way to get rid of that nasty noise is to cut a hole using a drill into the back of the cabinet. The hole will need to be big enough to vent the noise. The noise will then need to be vented somewhere far away from the listening environment as you dont want to be hearing that while the music is playing. 

The reason Magico speakers are not universally liked is because they are NOISY. They have a lot of distortion coming out of them because all that box noise comes straight out the front of the midwoofers along with the music unbeknown to the listener. Some listeners will not tolerate this while others may not even realize its there because their ears aren't very good. Hence Magicos, have their fair share of detractors.

All the best and do not be cheated.

   Tweaks and adjustments are all part of of the audio experience. Some work and others don't. However, the construction and sound of some speakers may or may not suit an individual's taste. An initial purchase may be very pleasing but after time something may be lacking or more unacceptable in some manor. Part of many games.

   Magico speakers aren't budget items. If drilling vent holes suits one's preference then so be it. However, initial purchase of a quality speaker should come with careful critique and it's performance. My statement...."Why buy speakers at a large price that don't sound good from the start?" is my opinion. To echo one of millercarbon's statements....."If it doesn't sound good out of the box forget it".

Why pretend that you have and that they are bad?
I am not pretending that they are bad. I am just pointing out that they are noisy speakers. If you like that then fine. But considering what they charge, they should have addressed this issue. 

I think Magicos should sell for about $1k to $3k in light of this. $50k to $100k is too much for a noisy speaker.
 Magico speakers aren't budget items. If drilling vent holes suits one's preference then so be it.
It wont be as easy as that I'm afraid. My original suggestion was written with tongue in cheek. So if you have a Magico, I'm afraid modifying it will be too much trouble. You would be better off just spending that money doing it correctly in the first place. 

All the best and do not be cheated.
For those new to kenjit, please read all his past posts to get an idea of where he is coming from. Then, I am informing you that most of the discussions he has started or participated in have been removed by the moderator. The only thing kenjit likes to talk about is kenjit.
I have to appreciate the OPs attempt, but to what end ?. Unless, he can compare speaker A (with his suggestion) to speaker B (like Magico here) and explains everybody the difference, we can try to understand. He is not even mentioning any speaker (or brands) which has configuration to his acceptance and how good (or different) those are compared to Magico. Until then, the quote from dgarretson, still holds good.