SACD is it worth it?

Recently magazines seems to abandon hi-rez formats and all are speaking of the forthcoming death of sacd & dvd-a.
But if you are planning a new disk player you also have to deal with the dilemma to sacd or not to sacd?
Before 3 years I had the DenonA1 (5900 in US) and the dvd-a was the best sound format I heard but dvd-a is fading out. Now sacd gives the ultimate fight what do you think?
Today would you buy a player with SACD capability or just Redbook cd (which seems immortal). Always have in mind the big cd libraries the most of us has.
Thanks guys and keep it up.

Today I have a Sony 999es for dvd/sacd use and I am not so thrilled against my Audiomeca MephistoII cdplayer. MephistoII pleases me the most.
My first objective is always redbook cd since my 2500 cds and then to check the sacd possibility.
So I stay as I am and maybe in the future I'll see the Reimyo (as better cd as possible) vs Emmlabs (as best cd&sacd as possible) scenario.
If i were shopping for a "cost no object" cd player.I would get i would get the cary 306 sacd has the best redbook i have heard plus SACD playback,which is superior to redbook.Also, the cary has inputs which will allow you to play music downloaded from your computer and run it thru the DAC in the cary.

Put together a decent analog frontend and you have all the formats covered.

My redbook library is significantly bigger than my SACD library, but I'm still glad I have a SACD player. I love the format. I'm disappointed that more experimental music is unavailable on SACD but that would change if more people supported it. As far as the titles available, that's growing too. I'm in the process of buying up all the Can releases on SACD that have been remastered. Those are out on Spoon Records, so if Sony and Phillips abandon it, maybe some smaller labels will continue on with it. Robert8409, which marantz player do you have?
Washline, I have the Marantz SA-14v2, excellent SACD reproduction and very good Redbook playback but I only use it for SACD.