Responses from washline
My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next? Thanks jafant. bdp24, the tray issue was with the K-01, which has since been repaired. The belt was precisely the the problem as you noted. With the DV-50S, the problem is that the player is simply not reading any disc. This will require a bi... | |
My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next? No, the importer wasn't specific about which part needed replacing. However, another independent repairman, with whom I've worked previously, is going to pick up the machine on Monday and try to fix it. If he fails, then I'll probably be looking ... | |
Doobie Brothers' drummer John Hartman dead at 72. He died last December at age 71: | |
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables Glad to hear you are on the mend, Bob. You might consider looking in the work of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic who has had remarkable success in clearing major arteries through plant-based nutrition. He has a book that's worth re... | |
What is your record cleaning regimen? I tried a good number of record cleaners, including the Nitty Gritty and the Hanss record cleaners. I've used the Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions, the Phoenix record cleaner. I also used the Mint LP solution produced by the same guy who does the... | |
Tonearm adjustments on the fly Great, extremely knowledgeable, and helpful comments. Thank you. Millercarbon, like you, I always assumed that VTA and SRA were the same, then the other day while I was looking at the Acoustical Systems Smartstylus, I saw this, which caused me som... | |
Warning: China-Hifi-Audio.com 50 kilo amps are not cheap to ship to the US from China. Trust me on that. I live in Korea. It costs a hell of a lot to ship something from the US to me. As for the Chinese made amps, I'd recommend getting them through Singapore. I got my Line Mag... | |
New Hobby Ultrasonic Record Cleaning "No way I am putting Texas tap water on my LP’s."My tap water isn't great either. It's not about the quality of the tap water, though filtering can be used to improve it, but rather what the water does under high pressure to clean the record. I st... | |
New Hobby Ultrasonic Record Cleaning I second Herman's post about the Gem Dandy Record Cleaner. I still use my Ultrasonic V-8 machine for a final treatment after the Gem Dandy treatment. I add a few tablespoons of alcohol and a 6-8 drops of Photoflo to the tank, per David Radcliffe's... | |
Replace a Rogue Tempest with Cayin CS845A, Ayon Triton 2, Unison Research, or Mastersound? I just wanted to follow up on this thread. I recently purchased and received the Line Magnetic 805ia integrated amplifier, the Singapore Edition, from Robert Lai of Live Acoustics in Singapore. Robert’s prices are extraordinarily good, and unlike ... | |
Is easy to know when a non english speaker is writting? Yes, it is pretty easy to tell when someone is foreign to the English language. It's also pretty easy to tell when a native speaker of English is also foreign to the language. None of it really matters though. If you apply the principle of charity... | |
cost no object integrated amps ASR Emitter Exclusive II. I've owned mine now for nearly nine years, and it isn't going anywhere. About 35K new or thereabouts. | |
Replace a Rogue Tempest with Cayin CS845A, Ayon Triton 2, Unison Research, or Mastersound? For the sake of posterity, here is a Line Magnetics 501IA driving a pair of Lawrence Audio Cello speakers, the entry level floorstanders:https://youtu.be/fixfuwyt--g | |
Replace a Rogue Tempest with Cayin CS845A, Ayon Triton 2, Unison Research, or Mastersound? Apparently, hifi-amplifiers.com is not a legitimate dealer of Line Magnetic equipment. You can see so here:http://en.lm-audio.com/service/i=8&comContentId=8.html | |
Replace a Rogue Tempest with Cayin CS845A, Ayon Triton 2, Unison Research, or Mastersound? Wow! This is all terribly exciting! I had not really heard about Line Magnetic, but you've all set me off researching and listening through Youtube, and I must say I'm overjoyed at what I'm hearing. Thanks for all the terrific recommendations. Kee... |