Is the noise measurable? If so, have you measured the noise or have you heard the noise yourself? What model(s) did you hear the noise?
Yes it is measurable. Every model will be affected by it, even Rockports or Wilsons or kef.
Kef has recently discovered this phenomenon and has begun using meta technology to try to eradicate this noise however it is not perfect. Kef metas only eradicate the upper frequencies of this noise. The lower frequencies remain.
But at least it corroborates my claim that this noise is REAL.
Here is what KEF has to say about this NOISE:
With any drive unit, as much sound is generated at the
rear of the unit as at the front (see figure 2) and this
radiation is unwanted and needs to be absorbed.
Which is exactly what i have been saying in this post.
So next time you want to make fun of me, just remember, KEF has corroborated my claim and therefore it is supported by one of the leading speaker companies in the world.
Vivid audio is another leading company that supports my claim. Here is what they say:
For the listener, the sound produced from the front of the loudspeaker is obviously what matters most. For us as engineers, the issue of the sound coming from the back is just as important. Unless it’s contained or dissipated, it will reflect off the back wall of the cabinet and interfere with the forward radiation, adding unwanted colour and resonance