How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I'm curious as to how long it has taken to build your dream setup? I'm on the ever long hunt for MORE and BETTER and I think I need some other users perspective as my neurotic brain is on the hunt monthly for upgrades. 
33 years and counting. I’ve done a major overhaul 5 times and tweaked it twice. Not there yet, but close. I've enjoyed each system immensely.  System started in 1987 with Yamaha receiver, tape deck and CD player! Speakers were small, forgot the brand but guaranteed for life. I blew those woofers every other month! Current system is this:

Piega C10 LTDs
McIntosh MC402 ampMcIntosh C2200 preTechnics 1200GR TT
Luxman PD444 TTVictor TT10115 vintage carts and 6 vintage arms like Sony, FR, Victor and Luxman.
What do I need? Mas power. Another 402, then bridge them for 800 watts. Besides collecting more arms and carts, I’m pretty good for now.

Ps: I’ve got a super digital end with Mac mini and Scott Nixon tube dac but removed it as I don’t listen to dig anymore, plus less wires. Also removed HT end for less wires.
Had a mini component systems in the middle school. It’s been 20 years since I got a real job, and it’s been 20 years been building and upgrading hifi systems. Never had a dream system or a goal. Just been upgrading as needed. Wilson Puppy was my dream speakers. Almost had them but settled for Gershman. Regret selling Apogee Diva which was one heck of speakers.