Openning a hi fi shop

What would be your business model if you were to start a new business a hi fi business. What lines and why...
+ 1 for the idea by russ69.

I'd start with selling used gear, which would keep your initial investment much lower. Plus, your ever changing stock of reasonably priced equipment would keep the bargain hunters coming back to support the bar and/or coffee shop. 

Selling anything is hard; but, selling something you believe in should make it easier. People are probably more sophisticated these days, so I might try to feature or specialize in some equipment and speakers that are both visually appealing as well as having quality sound. I'd certainly like to hang out in a place like that.
are you a Russian asset? I mean the very idea of getting people loaded and then selling them gear which they will quickly become dissatisfied with...." I need more bass " seems a little capitalistic to me, a socialist. I am open to having a few before I listen however. A few more while I listen and a few more, just to help me " process " what I just listened to...

Start with lower end gear. Look for value items. Design 2 or three speaker kits. Hold classes on kit building, soldering and making your own cables, and listening. Climb the ladder to high end systems down the line. 
Settle in a sales tax free state. 
You have pointed out a big issue/problem in the  business and that is the unwashed masses. If the scamdemic doesn't get them the collapse of the world economy should.....