McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
Yoko Ono sounds fantastic, but ONLY with perfectly selected fuses.
And when reversed sounds like Julian Lennon, go figure
"Yoko Ono sounds fantastic, but ONLY with perfectly selected fuses."                                                The burned out variety?
I have detected this incredible sound improvement with fuses but when installed VERTICALLY.

I think the gravity plays a trick on the electrons & drags them down to one end :-)
As the mains sine wave fluctuates 50 cycles a second, I flipped the fuse in sync with the sine wave which flips the electrons also up & down 50 times a second and omg, the sound improvement was incredible.

I will patent this discovery and charge all the fuse manufacturers very soon.
IMO, "upgrading" a fuse is like upgrading a 1" section of the hot wire contained in the romex, somewhere between your breaker panel and the outlet.  

Dont waste your breath, they will not believe you.  They hear what they want to hear, the rest is just reality :-)