Audio note 300b tube upgrade suggestions

Hello all.

Thinking about upgrading the tubes in my Audio Note P4 monoblocks. I need 4 tubes.

I have not heard other tubes other than the JJ’s that are in them. The new Audio Note 4300e's are too expensive. Spending $200 to $300 per tube would be fine.

I have AN E SPE HE speakers.

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@tvad   I'm not surprised that the Gold Lions won in that price category - a solid all-arounder.  If the OP could swing perhaps ~$350 per tube I can say that the EML300B-XLS handily outperform the GL's and even come with a 5-yr warranty.  They are what I'm using right now.
I strongly agree with the recommendation for the EML tubes. Their 300b is a premium level tube in regard to both robust built quality and sonic performance. They are about 700.00 dollars per pair and IMHO a clear step above the tubes listed in the survey link.

Those are pretty decent 300b tubes per cost/value consideration. In absolute terms EML occupies a higher tier. In addition they are exceptionally reliable and very long lasting, thus the 5 year warranty. Very rugged well made 300bs. I'm referring to the regular 300b not the more expensive EML XLS 300b which are about 900 to 950.00 per pair.
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