Speaker upgrade

I would like to hear thoughts on upgrading my speakers. I am very happy with my current system, but am thinking of upgrading the speakers. Not made up my mind yet, but very close. I have changed my gears recently and deciding whether to keep my current speakers or try different.
I currently have Aerial acoustics 7T, with 2 REL S5/SHOs. Aerial acoustics 7T are one hell of a speaker, and I never thought I will change them: they are very neutral and transparent, which plays exactly what you feed them. I still think they are excellent and In fact, on many forums, I have constantly bragged about them and still do, for good reasons. But I guess, time has come to change. Looking for speakers with better resolution, big soundstage, organic and sweet mids. If I can get more of everything my 7T does, it will be a jackpot. Budget is < 35K (used OK).
I have thought of Magico S5 MK2, Vimberg Tonda, Marten Mingus, Rockport Avior II. Others include Von Shweikert VR55 and Vivid Audio Giya G1. Hard to audition all, but have heard S5 Mk2 and Rockport Avior II which are close top.
My other systems include, AF strumento no. 4 mk2 amps, VAC renaissance mk V pre-amp fed by Luxman D-10x (DAC/SACD player) and Antipodes CX/S30 (server/streamer). I use roon mostly and listen vocals, Jazz, classical, Indie Rock, contemporary instrumental and the likes. Room size is 17 x 14 and height is 10 feet. I have already done all room acoustics. Cables are Silversmith Fideliums (never going to change that) and Shunyata anaconda/python, TQ black diamond and AQ Hurricane.
Quad 2812 or 2912 can sound fantastic, but do not know how loud you like to play your music. You have 2 subs so it should not be a problem with extra bass.
Quad... you either like them or you dont.
Your post really piqued my interest as I had a pair of Aerial 7B's until very recently. They were part of a  (dare I say) home theater system complete with the Aerial SW-12 sub, Aerial CCS center channel and Aerial surrounds. After 25 years of chasing the "Absolute Sound" I decided to chuck it and get into A/V and just use the L & R speakers for stereo listening using my Marantz A/V processor phono section and my 5 channel Sunfire amp. It was a big compromise but I'd had enough of chasing the dragon. Fast forward 20 years... Just this past January I got the bug again and decided to jump back in to the fray. I built a dedicated room for both audio and video and decided to upgrade.
I won't get into the video side of things but I did purchase a new cartridge, pre amp, amp, cables and connectors specifically for stereo listening only.  While awaiting delivery of my new speakers (Vandersteen Treo CT's) I hooked up the new system to my Aerial 7B's. Wow, what a difference. I'd never heard them sound so good. It was so satisfying that I wondered how the "comparably" priced Vandersteens could result in any real improvement. The Aerials were and still are a fine and very well built speaker.
I have now replaced the Aerials with the Vandy's and Wow again. I couldn't believe the amazing resolution I was hearing. I'm glad I made the change but I still can't part with my 7B's. They're just sitting in a corner now but they are such a beautiful example of engineering and build quality that I can't seem to part with them just yet. 
Anyway, it looks like you are prepared to spend far more on a speaker upgrade than I so I wish you luck. The Aerial's were fantastic in their day and still hold their own but I'm sure you'll find something newer that will open your ears to an even better listening experience. Good hunting!
Try something different, Genelec 8351b and W371A  with GLM to calibrate to your room. 
6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. 

You mentioned a large sound stage. All dynamic speakers set up as point sources have small sound stages. Line sources generate a large sound stage. You can put yourself in the front row. Magneplanar 3.7i's or Sound Labs 545's fit the bill. You will love voices on these. Super natural. You already have the subs. As mentioned above a 2 way cross over is mandatory for the best performance.
I’ve noticed that the resale on most speakers on sites like a’gon are ~50 percent of MSRP give or take +/- 5 percent. Not sure what they actually sell for but that opens up a price point for you of at least $70k if you wanted to consider buying used. 
Now of course that price point doesn’t always necessarily translate into improved performance. Case in point, I went through the same exercise on here this past Spring at a lower price point (I think I said $25k) and listened to many of the speakers when things opened up in NY/NJ but wound up with the mighty Harbeth 40.2 Ann cause that was the speaker that wowed me into a blissful state. 
Good luck. Enjoy the ride.