Speaker upgrade

I would like to hear thoughts on upgrading my speakers. I am very happy with my current system, but am thinking of upgrading the speakers. Not made up my mind yet, but very close. I have changed my gears recently and deciding whether to keep my current speakers or try different.
I currently have Aerial acoustics 7T, with 2 REL S5/SHOs. Aerial acoustics 7T are one hell of a speaker, and I never thought I will change them: they are very neutral and transparent, which plays exactly what you feed them. I still think they are excellent and In fact, on many forums, I have constantly bragged about them and still do, for good reasons. But I guess, time has come to change. Looking for speakers with better resolution, big soundstage, organic and sweet mids. If I can get more of everything my 7T does, it will be a jackpot. Budget is < 35K (used OK).
I have thought of Magico S5 MK2, Vimberg Tonda, Marten Mingus, Rockport Avior II. Others include Von Shweikert VR55 and Vivid Audio Giya G1. Hard to audition all, but have heard S5 Mk2 and Rockport Avior II which are close top.
My other systems include, AF strumento no. 4 mk2 amps, VAC renaissance mk V pre-amp fed by Luxman D-10x (DAC/SACD player) and Antipodes CX/S30 (server/streamer). I use roon mostly and listen vocals, Jazz, classical, Indie Rock, contemporary instrumental and the likes. Room size is 17 x 14 and height is 10 feet. I have already done all room acoustics. Cables are Silversmith Fideliums (never going to change that) and Shunyata anaconda/python, TQ black diamond and AQ Hurricane.

I also heard the Boenicke W8's at RMAF.  I couldn't believe the sound coming out of those speakers.  I went back for multiple listens and was simply smitten with there tone and musicality.  It had me wondering what the W11's would sound like.  In a smaller room the W8's would be a serious contender.  I have heard that they like a fair amount of current to drive them.
Have your dealer deliver and set-up the latest Magnepan speakers in your room.

Sit back and listen to the MUSIC instead of the system.

Romney80, I have a question about something you wrote:

" I have already done all room acoustics. "

I hope you don’t mind me asking for some clarification...

Are you primarily using absorption to treat your room, or are you using diffusion either primarily or in addition to absorption? Are you doing the same thing(s) throughout the room, or are you treating the first reflection zones differently from other areas? What is the wall behind the speakers like?

The reason I ask is, imo amp + speaker + room = a "system within a system", and in particular the interaction of speaker and room can play a significant role in soundstage and timbre. So according to this line of thinking, the room is a significant part of the equation when narrowing down speaker choices.

And depending on the specifics of how your room is treated, I may have a suggestion from among the speakers you mentioned.  

Romney80, bpolletti is spot on. The Aerial 's are an incredible speaker.
Your upgrade journey shall be very interesting. At the next level you will be doing yourself an injustice if you are not going to listen to them in your own environment . IMO next up would be Wilson Audio Sasha...
I heard them at a show in a less than stellar set up and they still sounded Incredible.
Just thought I’d mention there’s a nice used pair of Nola Baby Grands at SkyFi Audio for $25k.  Tough to beat at that price.