Dedicated Music Room Recessed Lighting (High Hats)?

The music room is down to studs.  Rewired the entire room and in the process added 7 high hats.  They were to be used to make the room very bright for cleaning, playing with wires etc.  I also have four sconces that will get the old style low wattage Edison bulbs for lighting during listening (as well as a lamp or two).  It did not occur to me that although the "cans" won't be used during music the "cans" may buzz. I've been told this by three audiophiles and a home theater guy.  Two emphatically tell me to "rip them out while you can".  Others have told me just go get the automotive sound deadening sheets (cut and stick on the cans). The room has been insulated with Roxul SAFB (Sound Absorbing Fire Barrier) in batt form 6" in the walls 9" in the ceiling. Does anyone have any experience with cans rattling or buzzing?
Should I rip them out?  Yes I do listen to music very loud at times. Thanks.
Regards, barts  
Thanks MC.  I would figure the Tektons alone could rattle just about anything.  The cans are in the ceiling and surrounded by Roxul packed in well but not real tight.  And everything will be sealed up real good.  At this point the room is kinda spooky, almost anechoic chamber.  My wife won't spend more than a minute in it...she says it freaks her ears out!  
Eric, the only problem with leaving them in is after sheetrock I very well may put stained pine boards on the entire ceiling.  That would a problem to try and rip them out.  They are not on the same circuit and will not have dimmers, they're just to really light up the room when necessary. Thanks.
Rego,  The cans are exposed at the moment (no sheetrock in the room yet) so now would be the time to either take them out and replace with another type fixture or attempt to remedy a problem that I don't know I have yet. Thanks.
MC, I forgot to ask...did you do anything to your cans so they won't rattle/buzz?
I've installed hundreds of recessed lights. The most vibration noise that would come out of them would be from the connection box where the cable comes into the box for termination. It was the cover plates of the boxes. Another location is the sliding bars that hold the fixture up in between the joists. Its a bit flimsy and can rattle at a certain frequency, I'm sure. 3rd is the socket that holds the bulb in place. Some are adjustable and can get loose if not securely fastened. 

I suggest, if you'reworried about it, , before finishing, fasten all those spots and then some, and you should be good. Some kind of super  tape or wire that won't get loose over time.

Good luck

Fwiw, my recessed lights don't rattle and I didn't do any if that stuff. I have an all in one flat  cover with led inside.