I recently got my flu shot, which was advocated for quite fervently by
health officials in an attempt to keep the strain on the medical system a
minimum in preparation for this wave we are in.
Right. Money couldn't have anything to do with it.
One of my first surprises working in urgent care was the number of people who would come in for a flu vaccine, then turn up with the flu. There's different flu strains of course, the vaccine isn't really a flu vaccine its really just for the one or two or maybe three strains they make it for each year.
Also none of them are immediately effective, it takes a while for your immune system to respond.
So when these people would show up with the flu I would smartly say well its probably a different strain or its probably too soon, in other words feed them the party line. Because I was once like everyone else brainwashed into believing the party line.
Except that within a matter of weeks I saw a whole bunch of people who had been vaccinated weeks ago, plenty long enough to be effective, who then tested positive for the exact same strain of flu the vaccine was supposed to protect against.
Now being an x-ray tech I don't see nearly as many patients as the RNs and MAs. So I mentioned this to our most experienced MA. And he said, "Oh yeah, happens all the time." That they get the exact same flu we vaccinated against? "Yeah. All the time."
There is by the way no wave. Again, I work in health care. Seriously wondering how long even the larger hospitals are going to be able to continue to exist at such LOW LEVELS! Your ignorance is astounding. Hospitals routinely operate at 80 to over 100%, especially ICU which are very expensive. Last thing you want is an empty bed in an ICU. Well, a lot of them are empty. But you lemmings will never know it because all you do is lap up the pabulum CNN feeds you nightly, where if they can find one in the whole country that is not empty they plaster it all over your news feed 24/7 never once mentioning the thousands of hospitals that are under-utilized.