B&W vs. Sonus Faber

803 d3 vs Sonus Faber Olympica nova v. These are comparably priced, about $16k.

have heard both in separate rooms with diff equipment. Both sound quite good. Trying to decide.
Interested in any opinions, or other options.

So hard to chose.  Maybe do a blend.  Buy SF for left side and BW for right side.  Best of both worlds.  
 I feel firberger has it spot on with the auditioning "show-off' nature of some speaker sound, and know I'd eventually walk away from the B&W revealing tweeter sound. Sonus Faber can be a bit less 'sparkly' but you may not get an ear-ache either.  :-) 

Which one will make you sit down and not want to get back up in two hours?  I want a speaker with detail as well but if it must stray a bit, better warm and listen longer than cool and leave the room room of fatigue. (Kudos to ears that can listen to diamonds.)

That said, I do still own and like my old DM-302s from 25 years ago although they're not set up.
Another vote for Revel Salon 2. Wide dispersion, excellent FR text book speaker. 
Dispersion is a trait not given much attention.  Seems really important for a smaller room.  A pain if sweet spot restricts where you sit. Hate that.  Need a wide open stage.

B&w being bright seems to reflect a more accurate portrayal of live performances which tend to be bright.  For heavily mixed studio recordings as most tend to be b&w may offer a too bright reveal.  So you need two sets of main speakers to coexist. 
B&W D3 can be bright if you have poor electronics or electronics with a specific voice. They can really shine with proper matching of components. (i.e. avoid putting silver or silver-plated cables in a B&W system).