Eric Alexander and Duke LeJeune helped me a lot with speakers. Keith Herron helped me understand the importance and meaning of timing. Krissy Tetrault proved the signal is not what we think it is. Chris Brady helped me with the ideas and a lot of the Teres Audio components that went into building my turntable. DJ Casser taught me a huge amount about vibration control, with components and concepts that 30 years later still pay big dividends even though they have been massively improved on by what I've learned from Rick Calder and Max Townshend.
Stewart Marcantoni started it all, introducing me to Caelin Gabriel and Ted Denney, and pulling the strings that got me into the Talon room one year at CES. So probably better include Mike Farnsworth of Talon.
Oh, and Michael Fremer. When having narrowed it down to a VPI or a Basis I could not make up my mind, Michael Fremer called and we had a nice long talk. At the end of which I had learned one of the most important lessons of all: that the way to do it is to talk about how things sound, because once you know enough about that you will not need anyone to tell you. You yourself will know what to do.