Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"


You do have to wonder about the intellectual, economic and social drag created by 50 million plus  brainwashed deplorables....

This is what I’ve seen. A world scared by a pandemic called Covid 19 when the fact is we have on going PANDEMICS every year.

We all saw a reduction in deaths by "transmitted disease". A total reduction worldwide.

IF there would NOT have been, mask, social distancing, and social awareness, with RAISED attention towards POOR habits regarding infectious disease, the death toll would be through the roof all over the world. NOT JUST because of Covid, but the flu, SARS, Ebola.

The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year..
Influenza X A LOT of different types
SARS, Covid is SARS

When we react to ANY single disease and treat it as "Very Contagious"
ALL diseases and their infection rate DROP... SO THE whole death rate number drops also.

What we see world wide is a good, result from some serious action taken by the WHOLE world... IF not the rest of the nasty diseases would run amuck... It smartened up the world....I think. :-)

For those that want to treat a deadly disease, any other way than a, "DEADLY DISEASE", Don’t.
Unfortunately, you might get to join that rather small number of fatalities, but fatalities none the less.

The most important part to remember. YOU are responsible for your good health. NO ONE ELSE is.... That is PC in my book..

I’m ABLE to RESPOND, Responsable....

Good health to all, Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas..

Might help if USA checked out how some lower grade medical systems,  like Germany, spend 1/2 as much money and get better results .
The fact that German Doc's make 120-50 thousand Euro's in generalhas nothing to do with it .
"...lower grade medical systems, like Germany..."

What does "lower grade" mean in this case?

The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year..
Influenza X A LOT of different types
SARS, Covid is SARS

Let's be honest here.  Do you know how Many Americans die each year from malaria?  About 5.

Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months.

SARS?  Ummmm.....zero

Ebola.....you got it zero.

Your comparison is extremely weak.