Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"


Might help if USA checked out how some lower grade medical systems,  like Germany, spend 1/2 as much money and get better results .
The fact that German Doc's make 120-50 thousand Euro's in generalhas nothing to do with it .
"...lower grade medical systems, like Germany..."

What does "lower grade" mean in this case?

The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year..
Influenza X A LOT of different types
SARS, Covid is SARS

Let's be honest here.  Do you know how Many Americans die each year from malaria?  About 5.

Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months.

SARS?  Ummmm.....zero

Ebola.....you got it zero.

Your comparison is extremely weak.
I worked with a German company for 13 years, they paid a LOT of taxes in that country, a WHOLE lot. Super high dental cost. Their labor force retires well, as they should...A Union Country for the most part...

I went in the hospital at 0900 hours on Wed, and was released on a Friday, before noon, including my ride to the hospital.

EMT, at home treatment, and transport Wed morning.
Admitted from Emergency.
Stint installed Thursday.
51 hours total time at the hospital.
Released before noon on Friday.

83,600.00 so far. All but 1600.00 is paid for, and they didn't ask for payment, The EMT, The hospital, The 4 or 5 doctors.

I was treated like GOLD, by the hospital and a LOT of folks at Agon.

You guys would never guess who either.

Great word of encouragement, when I had to go BACK for a second and third time... I was scared to death.. That first time was a nightmare, and the 15 additional HA I had before the second procedure, I was wore out...

I'm sure better now, but it was not cheap... Great folks though, I just can't say enough... The whole Covid thing was in FULL swing... For all I know everyone was sticking their tongues out at me.. LOL

Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months.


You left out the number one killer in the world Malaria.


# 2 World wide! Influenza

No my information stands, uncorrected, by you.. Over 500,000 last year alone more like 700,000. If you have suffered the effects of Malaria, or the LONG lasting effects of it, you wouldn't say 5 in the US. 100,000 of thousands have their whole lives riddled with episode of reoccurrence, they live in the US...or it's Island states.

Influenza? EVERY year 50-100,000. THAT many die of it..and that big of a variance, because of preventative treatment, and a HIGH contagion factor...  Me wearing a mask helps me NOT you...Though the secondary effect is ME spreading less crap from me, to the guy right behind me. Social distancing, more so than anything...

No it was a good analogy..  You see Covid struck my wife family, I know how bad it is. We were told not to attend the funeral. I knew the guy for 47 years...A close family member, though 89, still quite witty..
