Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"


Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months.


You left out the number one killer in the world Malaria.


# 2 World wide! Influenza

No my information stands, uncorrected, by you.. Over 500,000 last year alone more like 700,000. If you have suffered the effects of Malaria, or the LONG lasting effects of it, you wouldn't say 5 in the US. 100,000 of thousands have their whole lives riddled with episode of reoccurrence, they live in the US...or it's Island states.

Influenza? EVERY year 50-100,000. THAT many die of it..and that big of a variance, because of preventative treatment, and a HIGH contagion factor...  Me wearing a mask helps me NOT you...Though the secondary effect is ME spreading less crap from me, to the guy right behind me. Social distancing, more so than anything...

No it was a good analogy..  You see Covid struck my wife family, I know how bad it is. We were told not to attend the funeral. I knew the guy for 47 years...A close family member, though 89, still quite witty..


My point is that if only 5 Americans die from malaria each year then by definition it’s not a pandemic. SARS - bad analogy too....same with Ebola. These are not pandemics dude. No one in the US gets these diseases.

And how about your wonderful SARS analogy? Even during the 2003 outbreak only 8 Americans died of SARS. In fact only 8,000 people even got sick worldwide from SARS. This is why NONE of your examples are even close to being analogous to COVID.

Perhaps the best comparison to Covid is cigarettes which kills 480,000 americans each year. Pretty easy cure for that - ban cigarettes. Imagine the burden that would be alleviated from our healthcare resources and insurance premiums plus all the easy lives that would saved. A better argument would have been why aren’t we being as militant with cigarettes as we are COVID? That’s an awesome argument but sadly one you didn’t raise.
"My point is that if only 5 Americans get malaria each year..."

More than 5 people in the U.S.A. get Malaria each year. I think you are talking about "die from Malaria".
You do have to wonder about the intellectual, economic and social drag created by 50 million plus  brainwashed deplorables....
I've been observing that for the last 40 years. 👍