The point about malaria is, it has been a world wide issue for MANY years. It is somewhat controlled. Yet every year thousands upon thousand are affected. It is an ongoing pandemic... There are some lasting long term affects.
It is on the RISE again because of bans on DDT for one, and a few others.
Influenza on the other hand does not have as many long term effects. BUT the same principal apply as far as prevention. Social distance, mask. 50-100K per year, die. 50-150 million infected. It's pretty darn contagious.
SARS, same as Covid, VERY contagious, Ebola the same way VERY contagious... Higher death toll per infection, capital, and many more long lasting effect on some, heart, kidney, lung issues..
The problem was a treatment, we had treatment for most of the other illnesses. We now have a vaccine, things are a lot better. But I haven't been vaccinated, yet either..
As for the pandemic is "Only if American have it", you haven't traveled much have you?.. You know out of the US. When you have to work outside the US, I mean WORK!! You understand how clean it is in the US, and how good working conditions are.. We have a lot going for us in the US, a whole lot..