ProAc DT8 vs D20R

Is the ProAc D20R much better than the DT8? Pros/cons? Thank you!
When I purchased my D-30R's I had a chance to listen to the D-20R. Given how similar they look, they do sound quite a bit different. The D-20R is slightly darker speaker with a full rich sound. They imaging was top notch and the sound was very seductive. Bass was a bit soft and maybe not as precise but overall it was impressive.

The D-30R is more like its big brother the D-48R. More neutral and detailed with better dynamics. All things being equal and depending on your budget the D-30R might be the better choice.
I think you need more power....LOL  Art Dudley once said if the first watt does not sound good the why would you want 600 more? Look at your other gear 
i think your room size and the fact you have the dt8’s too tight against the front wall is creating midbass overload and thus you feel you want more imaging, clarity in the midrange and deep bass impact

the dt8 are a d’appolito design so 2 midbass drivers one each side of the single dome tweeter, and while i have heard them myself i understand in the proac line they are voiced more towards warmth than the higher speakers in the response line

going to a d20r will likely be a step up as the bass dispersion will be better controlled with the single bass driver and the ribbon tweeter has a more sophisticated sound than the soft dome in the dt8

another option is to go with a standmount like a d2r or tablette model and a rel sub... that may be the best solution for your room, and will provide the best imaging and least midbass bloat

before changing speakers i would suggest you try to move the speakers another 6 inches closer into the room, away from boundaries... it should have an impact on the tonal balance and imaging

good luck