McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
The Dunning- Kruger effect can account for some of these unknowlegdable ramblings.
Most certainly, since to be unknowledgeable is to not experience, first hand, something and then claim otherwise from an imagined higher ground, deluding oneself.

All the best,
I did a thorough test of SR fuses a few years ago and they made zero difference except when they makes sense as they're FUSES. Otherwise hey, they're great...*yawn*...

You got it wolf, this snake oil fuse **** is just companies pulling big profits from the gullible audiophiles that believe in the simple things they they can change themselves.
You’ll never see one of those "boutique fuse manufacturers" on these pages backing up same BS that the snake oilers here say that a $150+ fuse can do for the sound, cause they know they’ll be liable if they did.

Cheers George
What is the problem when it comes to fuses?

If you don't believe they help, fine. Go do something other than belittle those that do.

I posted a challenge a while ago regarding this controversial topic. Nobody reported back!  It was simply this and requires no expense. Yes it's free. 

Choose a component, remove the stock fuse and replace facing the other way.

Can you hear a change in sound?  You can? That's great it means your system is sufficiently resolving and would respond to a better fuse.

You can't? That's great now you have proved to yourself it makes no difference and you can move on and stop insulting those who can.