Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"




You are lost.

You do realize you are being used as a pawn by those who seek to undermine civilization for their own gains, right?

The ones who start and spread these ridiculous conspiracy theories, praying on those who are lost and looking for belonging. The ones who actually believe the nonsense started by the ones who want you to look elsewhere, this so as to not pay attention to the real problems. And to help find all the others who are lost and looking for belonging to also believe and spread the nonsense. The ones who need to feel special, and do so through conspiracy theories, because they are the only ones who understand the truth.

You should get together with MC, dawn some aluminum foil caps, go into the brothel listening room and then explain to us how the metal caps not only let you speak to demonic sex starved alien demons, but also how wearing them improves the sound of the system...
"Creative writing and the Internet"...

...has reached new heights in this thread.

...has reached new heights in this thread.

I don’t think that is the correct direction.