Speaker upgrade

I would like to hear thoughts on upgrading my speakers. I am very happy with my current system, but am thinking of upgrading the speakers. Not made up my mind yet, but very close. I have changed my gears recently and deciding whether to keep my current speakers or try different.
I currently have Aerial acoustics 7T, with 2 REL S5/SHOs. Aerial acoustics 7T are one hell of a speaker, and I never thought I will change them: they are very neutral and transparent, which plays exactly what you feed them. I still think they are excellent and In fact, on many forums, I have constantly bragged about them and still do, for good reasons. But I guess, time has come to change. Looking for speakers with better resolution, big soundstage, organic and sweet mids. If I can get more of everything my 7T does, it will be a jackpot. Budget is < 35K (used OK).
I have thought of Magico S5 MK2, Vimberg Tonda, Marten Mingus, Rockport Avior II. Others include Von Shweikert VR55 and Vivid Audio Giya G1. Hard to audition all, but have heard S5 Mk2 and Rockport Avior II which are close top.
My other systems include, AF strumento no. 4 mk2 amps, VAC renaissance mk V pre-amp fed by Luxman D-10x (DAC/SACD player) and Antipodes CX/S30 (server/streamer). I use roon mostly and listen vocals, Jazz, classical, Indie Rock, contemporary instrumental and the likes. Room size is 17 x 14 and height is 10 feet. I have already done all room acoustics. Cables are Silversmith Fideliums (never going to change that) and Shunyata anaconda/python, TQ black diamond and AQ Hurricane.
Before deciding, please give a try to Diesis Audio and Wolf Von Langa speakers, if you do not prefer open baffle, then go for WWL., wolf von langa model Son is really good one to chose...good luck...
I have a pair of Cube Audio Nenuphar Mini’s that are supposed to arrive next week. I’d do some due diligence on them. What’s attracted me to them is they’re easy to drive, easy to place, and well within your budget. I’ve heard they tick all the boxes regarding imaging, detail, tone, dynamics, etc. My pair is coming in a special walnut finish. I know Pete B from avshowreports has heard many many high end speakers and often uses hyperbole, but his reaction to these speakers really peaked my interest. I will post thoughts in the cube thread once I get some time with them but I would check out the reviews. 
Do not upgrade without extensive listening to whatever you want to get.  You could spend a lot and get worse sound.  Enjoy the music.
You may want to look into Lansche Audio these are within your price range https://www.lansche-audio.com/products/no-5-2/, you may find a deal on a older model used pair.

Your REL's can get you down to the low frequency range, and the plasma tweeter will definitely reveal another level of detail in the midrange as well as exposing the upper frequencies like no other...  The down side is that you would have to invest in two additional power chords.

Good luck
just had a brain storm. Call Jim Salk and describe what you got and what you want and see what he has to offer.