Are reviewers biased towards equipment they own?

In the Metronome kalista review@ 6moons, the Danish Husband and Wife review team, preferred the French player over the Linn CD12 and the Zanden 2000P. Linnman(another 6moons reviewer who owns the Zanden combo), obviously(?), prefers the his own equipment. Whaddaya think?
I think that anyone is biased towards the equipment they own. That's why you own it in the first place, right?

Let us not forget that reviewers typically are given "accomodation" pricing unlike the rest of us poor slobs. This of course further erodes credibility if it existed at all in the first place. Richard Hardesty speaks well to this. Just my .02.
reviewers are not only biased to what they own or are given, they also are biased when the manufacturer takes out a large page multi month ad in their magizine.
Tripper, So... I don't get it. Would it matter whether I paid $100.00 or a $1000.00 for a power cord, given that any manufacturer would “accommodate" me, wouldn't I still buy and recommend what I like the best as a audiophile reviewer? Granted, many products are simply out of my reach only because I can't justify the price. If your were making a case for "accommodation" pricing inflating what some (most) reviews call “reasonably affordable components” I would be in total agreement. For the vast unwashed multitudes spending a hundred bucks on a power cable is pure insanity! To us, try and find a descent cable for a hundie?! Fat chance. Even a Shunyata entry level Diamondback retails for twice that. Fact is many of us have found something we like without comparing ten different cables so what do we know anyway? I think reviewers have their place and if we’re smart, we read between the lines and glean a little from those who are fortunate enough by trade to have experience with a range of product in excess of the common audiophile. Remember, what a reviewer has to sell is his or her entertainment value, nothing more. Good thing there's A'gon and a used gear market. Happy Listening