Amp for Focal Scala Utopia

Hi all,

I have just acquired some Focal Scala Utopia speakers. I am going to need new amps to drive them as my mcintosh c2300 and mc275 will not cut the mustard I think.

Anyway - I was considering being a bit radical and trading everything in for a devialet. Any suggestions would be welcome.

I prefer a sound with lots of resolution but retaining musicality. I would like a faster sound than the mac and more detail. I really like a deep soundstage too.

Thanks in advance. I have 2 sources - a vpi classic with all the bits and a Benz lps. Digital is akurate ds.

Thank you
Hi stringreen - I like the ayre sound but the mxr and kxr are expensive over here in uk - they charge the same amount you guys pay in dollars in uk sterling, which is a rip off really.

Audio research kit I have never really heard at length other than the new class d stuff that I did not care for.
focal speakers are very good with power tubes. try vtl amps,maybe audioresearch.burmester also good.
I own the focal maestro, and I am fine with the amplifier vitus audio
SS101 .... seems like a good synergy.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your help. My speakers arrive this Monday! Yippee.

I am going to run them with the Mc stuff 1st to see how I get on. I have a dealer bringing me over the Devialet for a home dem for a week, which will be great.

I am looking into Vitus - heard great reports from their gear.

I will also try VTL, but again the mark up in UK is a lot. The MB450 monos look a good match but are again $ for £, which is crazy.

It might sound mad to some of you living in the U.S but the monstrous integrated - ASR Emitter II (top specced one) is very affordable over here so that might be an option although the wife might not like the sheer room space taken up!

Hi all,

Okay - my speakers arrived and I am extremely pleased. I have settled with the Devialet for my amp - what a wonderful sound. I am like the cat that got the cream here at the moment. I have resolution beyond anything I have heard before, speed, dynamic swings which have blown me away mentally and physically, whilst remaining extremely musical. One of the true revelations for me in this system is being able to really hear the room - I know people write about this and I thought my old system did it a bit, but this is a whole new ball game. You might ask - so what? Hearing that resolution just brings you ever nearer the live event and that is what it is all about for me. The clarity in human voices is wonderful - I have been listening to a lot of opera arias where this is apparent.

Anyway, I'll probably go on and onand bore you but suffice it to say that I am one satisfied listener.