Amp for Focal Scala Utopia

Hi all,

I have just acquired some Focal Scala Utopia speakers. I am going to need new amps to drive them as my mcintosh c2300 and mc275 will not cut the mustard I think.

Anyway - I was considering being a bit radical and trading everything in for a devialet. Any suggestions would be welcome.

I prefer a sound with lots of resolution but retaining musicality. I would like a faster sound than the mac and more detail. I really like a deep soundstage too.

Thanks in advance. I have 2 sources - a vpi classic with all the bits and a Benz lps. Digital is akurate ds.

Thank you
Hi Dev,

I suppose the flavour I am after is as follows: really clean sounding with masses of resolution, deep soundstage yet smooth and musical. Not analytical.

Anything else I should audition?
Hi stringreen - I like the ayre sound but the mxr and kxr are expensive over here in uk - they charge the same amount you guys pay in dollars in uk sterling, which is a rip off really.

Audio research kit I have never really heard at length other than the new class d stuff that I did not care for.
focal speakers are very good with power tubes. try vtl amps,maybe audioresearch.burmester also good.
I own the focal maestro, and I am fine with the amplifier vitus audio
SS101 .... seems like a good synergy.