Tekton Electron SE

I had a pair of Tekton Double Impacts that I sold when I moved to a smaller home. After a year of evaluating various smaller speakers I decided to go back to Tekton but with the more compact Electron SE. In my room these speakers work perfectly. The bass on these smaller speakers is unbelievably deep and tight. I miss none of the punch from the bigger Double Impacts. On mine's I used a single Beryllium tweeter on the middle of the array. The tops on these are very extended and crisp clear more so than the DBs. The imaging and sweet-spot is electrostatic-like with excellent ability to present the faintest details in a recording. In my appreciation other than the ability to convey a "bigger" bass the Electrons have a more refined sound and the bass in my room is more than sufficient with a tighter presntation than that of the DB's. Feel free to send questions if you have any.
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Happy Moab owner here who wishes he went for the automotive finish, but settled for a regular custom color which came out beautifully.  I love these things, and before I properly placed them in the room the potential of these speakers were clear.  MC and others have already gushed about the speakers, so I'm not going into that.  They deliver and are certainly worth the money.  Take the time to dial in the placement of the speakers and your listening position and you will be rewarded. Even with the cost of automotive paint you're still getting a bargain.

I find it funny that certain individuals carry on about Tekton owners being shills and such, but I noticed an interesting trend during  my initial searches for reviews and comments on these speakers.  That being, the constant sprinkling of Salk on the thread.  But I don't see the hate towards Salk owners and uhm "promoters". 

I think there's some disbelief that a "box" speaker can sound as good as people say.  Having lived with planar speakers for over a decade, I can say that the Moabs have that sound and then some.  I know what a resonant cabinet sounds like, that's not heard with with the Moab.

I care about my decor, but I also care about the sound and if that means a 67" pair of 135lb towers almost 1/3 into the room then that's what I need to setup.  I can totally understand the desire for a smaller speaker.  You just can't ignore the Moabs in the room.  However, if there is anything that I don't believe is that anyone is hearing really balanced sound/getting the most out of their speakers with them close to the wall in a small room with bare walls, and very little furniture, nearfield listening not withstanding.  

Anyway, enjoy the music, Tekton, Salk, Zu, Klipsch 500M (shudders), whatever.  

Oh, and if you're running a DAC or whatever with swappable OP amps, look into some SparkOS replacements if the device's power supply is up to the task.  Get that Class B junk out of the signal chain and get the most out of your device.

Happy Holidays!
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People wonder why the hatred for tekton speakers. I have moabs. In my opinion people who say they have heard them and don't like them have either not really heard them or let their bias get in the way. Some of them i think are angry that they wasted 20 or 30k on speakers that don't sound any better than 4k tekton's. Just my opinion.

Oh, I'm sure there's ones spent ten times 20 or 30k who are even more butt hurt. Making it so normal working stiff guys can afford better sound than your average well-heeled hedge fund manager , its just not fair. Where's the white glove setup? Where's the Faberge Egg? Oh, the humanity! 

Speakers are inanimate objects.  It’s people that are the source of both love and hate. 
"Oh, I’m sure there’s ones spent ten times 20 or 30k who are even more butt hurt."

I suspect that people who buy $30 000 speakers do not look in the rearview mirror that often. Who would buy $3000 speakers, if she/he could afford a $30 000 pair? Are $30 000 speakers usually crappy?

It may hurt to know that someone buys a $30 000 pair and does not feel butt hurt regardless of how cheap others have it. One only has to decide. A dinner at a really nice restaurant for a few friends, good wine included, or a pair of speakers?

Why insult people with more successful careers than one's own?