DAC finalist please help

Hi all,
hope everyone is doing well this holiday season.
I’m back on the DAC hunt and I have narrowed down to these different but compelling DAC’s.
Unlike a lot of you guys on Audiogon I’m not a millionaire : (  My budget is only 1,500 bucks but I think there are some good choices in that range.
If any of you folks have experience with any of these pieces I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

I’m replacing a McCormack DAC-1 that I have owned since new.
I still listen and continue to buy Redbook CD’s so something that would be kind to those is important.
I’m trying to make the determination on overall what would work and sound the best.
NOS with tubes is intriguing as is R2R as is just a good chip set.
I’m looking at a Aragon D2A used $600 for redbook playback and maybe teaming it up with a Xiangsheng 05B to handle modern formats DSD etc, less than 500 bucks the two together would be just north of a grand.
On the NOS front the Audio Mirror Tubadour III NOS w/tubes, new $1,500.

The Denafrips Ares II R2R used about 800 bucks, or the Musician - Pegasus, new around $1,100.
And then there is the Line Magnetic 502CA tube, used 700-800 dollars.
I love the look of the LM and it's got a great tube stage, I definitely have a bit of a crush on this one.

I realize I’m a little bit all over the Map here, but again if anyone has thoughts or has /had one of these DAC’s I’m all ears...Many thanks and Happy Holidays!HG
in your price range you should also consider Schiit Audio, they made their name on bang for buck DAC’s not to mention they have one of the all time hero’s in DAC designers designing them, Mike Moffett. I tired a few in your price range a year ago and settled for the Schiit Audio Gungnir Multi Bit ( R2R is multi bit) $1299. but I’d look at YGGDRASIL GS $1599. its Schiit’s top model at $2499 with their older analogue card 1 they are selling for a dam  good deal IMO. 

Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in California

I have a Metrum Jade in my second system and it sounds good. I can also say I just this week purchased a McCormack DAC-1 that is on its way to Steve McCormack so he can perform his magic. SMc is currently way backed up and the cost will probably be north of $2K and, as you know, the end result will only be an 18 bit DAC that doesn’t do any sort of high res, but some people with pretty good ears like how those upgraded DAC-1s sound, so I am going to find out. In the meantime, I am enjoying a Mojo Mystique V3, which sounds really good but is more than what you want to spend. The Schitt DACs should be a good fit for you and a nice balance between price and performance at the price you are looking to spend.  Maybe also consider DACs from MHDT Labs.
Another vote for the Audio Mirror Tubadour III.  They are hard to find used but you can pick up the base model new for $1,500 and then upgrade later if you want. Or wait it out and snatch a used one for $1,000-$1,200.   

One of the best values out there IMO. 
+1 Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC.  Call Vlad direct.  You might get a deal on the SE model, which is an excellent DAC.